Jaclyn Kleiner

Bringing humans to the center of business.

+1 631 942 8031

Flashback: By listening, I slowly gained more energy...

When I was in my final year at Hunter College, I decided to complete my 6 outstanding credits while studying in Pescara, Italy. It was one of the best decisions of my life.

As I spent time abroad learning the Italian language, I soon discovered the value of active listening. Being out of my comfort zone intensified my educational experience as I remained suspended in a new level of vulnerability. I couldn't hide from fear of the unknown, I had to conquer it.

When I’m curious about something I love to talk and question it until there’s nothing left to explore. I enjoy deep, intimate conversations, and make sure to break them up with a laugh from time-to-time. The thing is, I couldn’t do that in Italy for a while... I had to focus so much on decoding the unfamiliar words that floated in my direction that there was no time for crafting a response.

More recently, I had a friend that didn’t speak for 10 days while on a silent retreat. I rejected the idea that I could do that until it hit me… I already did it in Italy. I enjoyed listening to people's stories about adventure, heartbreak, personal career goals, feminism, astrology, and other random things, like cooking and meditation. It was a game to understand what people were saying to me.

By listening, I slowly gained more energy to read and write... I became more present and mindful of my surroundings and naturally began to filter out negative thoughts and insecurities. Even the food began to taste better.

As I took time to get to know myself and just breathe, I became healthier. My morning routine included long walks on the Adriatic coast as the sun rose in the distance and a light breakfast with fresh orange juice upon my return. I slept 8 hours most nights. Rarely did my stomach become too full and stretched from overeating. I no longer worried about what other people thought of me. I accidentally uncovered how to live a life that had just the right amount of everything, or as the Swedish say, “lagom".

By become a better listener, I grew into a tolerant person. I am now less absolute about my opinions and beliefs. In fact, If there’s a case for change and it aligns with my values, I’ll happily flipflop. In opening myself up during my time studying abroad, I realized that I liked who I saw in the mirror more than I ever imagined I could.

We can reinvent ourselves.

"As fragile and inauthentic as our identities are, Bowie let us (and still lets us) believe that we can reinvent ourselves. In fact, we can reinvent ourselves because our identities are so fragile and inauthentic. Just as Bowie seemingly reinvented himself without limits, he allowed us to believe that our own capacity for changes was limitless. Of course, there are limits - profound limits, mortal limits - in reshaping who we are. But somehow, in listening to his songs - even now - one hears an extraordinary hope that we are not alone and this place can be escaped, just for a day."

— Simon Critchley, in his book Bowie (2014)

A Last Minute Holiday Gift Guide

For last-minute Charlie: A cool list of holiday gifts


Good luck and Happy Holidays!

Inquiries: jaclynkleiner@gmail.com
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